Portfolio Category: Books & CDs

This Intimate War Gallipoli/Çanakkale 1915 – İçli Dışlı Bir Savaş: Gelibolu/Çanakkale 1915 (2018)

This Intimate War Gallipoli/Çanakkale 1915 is republished in 2018 by Spinifex Press Australia ‘Very few collections bring home so powerfully the vulnerability of individuals in the face of history’ writes Lisa Gorton of Robyn Rowland’s powerful poems recording the experiences of soldiers, nurses and doctors, women munitions workers, wives, mothers, composers, painters and poets during…
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Line of Drift (2015)

Line of Drift (Doire Press, 2015) This book has a grant from the Irish Arts Council. Robyn Rowland continues to paint her narrative-lyric poems, immersed in and emerging from, the physical and historical landscapes of West Ireland counterbalanced with those of Australia. Line of Drift (2015) 1 copy $20.00 AUD2 copies $30.00 AUD3 copies $40.00…
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Silence & Its Tongues (2006)

(Five Islands Press, 2006) Fired by a yearning for communication, the poems in Silence and its tongues grow from experiences of loneliness,absent love, the silent world of depression and the complex issues after a mother’s death, into the peace of silent meditation and the strength of friendship. They comfort in their honesty and their urgent…
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